My Introductory Footprint

My first project was to make an introductory footprint! The directions given to me were to trace my footprint on a piece of construction paper and cut it out. Once it was cut out, we had to include three different types of media to represent different aspects of our lives like our interests, hobbies, or anything else we wanted to include.

For my footprint, I included many different things. Starting on the top left are stick figures drawn with grey marker on pieces of construction paper. They represent my immediate family: my parents and four other siblings. Moving down is the outline of South Dakota with a blue star to show where I was born and raised, Milbank, SD. Next, you can see NSU's logo (the Wolf head) and the word Northern. This is to represent that Northern State is my favorite university and is the only university that I applied to. I cut these symbols out of the school's newspaper. Moving down you'll see a red apple. I made this on a piece of construction paper with colored pencils and then glued it down. This is to represent my dream of becoming an elementary school teacher. Moving to the right, you'll see a trumpet and music notes. I drew this to show that I've been playing trumpet for ten years now. Next you'll see the Domino's logo. I cut this out of an Aberdeen guide to represent my love for food, especially Domino's pasta and pizza. Going around the heel, you'll see amusement park rides that I cut out from the local newspaper. I am an adrenaline junkie and also love going to fairs, so that's what I used those clipping to represent. Last but not least, there's a volleyball to represent my love for the game of volleyball.

For this project, we were also asked to think of an activity we could do in our future classroom that incorporated the footprint. The first thing that came to my mind was using the footprint in a geographic way. You could have your students trace and cut out the shape of their foot and have them put all of the places they've been in the country/world on their foot print. You could call it their "geographic foot print." Once the students are done with the footprint, you could have the students either present them and/or display them around the room so other students can see where their classmates have left their footprints around the world.


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