Paper Mosaics

For this project the supplied needed are construction paper, cut up squares of construction paper and scrapbook paper, mod podge glue, a paint brush, and scissors. The focus for this project was to make a paper mosaic while also working with positive and negative space.
In the picture above you can see my finished product. We were able to chose whatever colored construction paper we wanted along with whatever colored/printed square we wanted. We created our negative and positive space pieces by folding smaller pieces of construction paper in half and cutting out a random shape. Before we pasted those to the large piece of construction paper, we had to paste the small squares using mod podge. In order to make sure the small square stick very well, you must first use the paint brush to "paint" mod podge on the construction paper as a base coat. You then place squares on top of the wet mod podge and "paint" over the squares again with mod podge to create a top coat. You do this to the entire sheet of construction paper. Once you have covered this, you do the same process with your negative and positive pieces. You can see the finished produce above!

This is just one of the many ways that you can do an art project with paper! To help younger students learn their colors, you can make rainbows using construction paper. Below is an example. You could also using different colors of streamers instead of construction paper. That would give that art work more movement!


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